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August 2023 Donor Spotlight - Lisa and Gary Levine

At some point, we all have an experience that changes our lives, raises the bar, and creates memories that will last a lifetime. For Lisa and Gary Levine, that experience happened at The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park™. “We sat front row center to see John Legend,” Gary recalled. “The feeling of being there, up close and personal with such an incredible artist, is something I’ll never forget. Lisa and Gary began supporting the San Diego Symphony in 2018 after Lisa attended a concert with some friends. “I came home and told Gary, this is something we need to get involved in,” said Lisa.

Lisa and Gary met during their final year at San Diego State University. After college, Gary started G.S. Levine Insurance Services, which he grew into a thriving business that he eventually sold to Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance. “When our business really started to do well,” said Gary, “one of our guideposts was to give back.” Together Gary and Lisa have been engaged in philanthropy for decades supporting causes like child services, elder care, education technology, and healthcare. Through their involvement with the Symphony, the Levines have added the performing arts to their repertoire.

Lisa and Gary are members of the Partner with a Player program, a high-level group of donors who provide foundational support for the San Diego Symphony. Through their involvement in Partner with a Player, the Levines have been able to get even closer to the music than the front row. Before this year’s annual Partner with a Player Dinner, Lisa and Gary sat alongside bass player Sam Hager for a live performance on The Una Davis Family Stage at The Rady Shell. “That was something we never thought we would experience,” said Gary. “Being on the stage, we could feel the music go right through our bodies.” Gary admits that he was never that into classical music before, but with the San Diego Symphony, he has found a new appreciation for the genre.

New eyes and ears are opened to the magic of music every day at The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park. Lisa talked about the first time they brought her sister and brother-in-law to a concert at The Rady Shell. “They go to The Greek and The Bowl and all the venues in LA,” Lisa said. “They had never seen anything like The Shell. They were in awe! Looking around and seeing the downtown skyline, and the boats in the harbor. The Shell has added so much to our lives as far as entertainment, and it has enhanced our community so much.”