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February 2023 Donor Spotlight - Anthony Boganey

“If we are to hope for a society of culturally literate people, music must be a vital part of our children’s education.” - Yo-Yo Ma

It was at a San Diego Symphony fundraiser for music education programs that Dr. Anthony “Tony” Boganey first became involved with the organization. Tony joined the San Diego Symphony Board of Directors in 2019 and firmly believes in the importance of music in public schools. “Data has shown,” he said, “that when students have a greater connection to the school other than academics, they have a higher probability of matriculating and going on to college.” Originally from Michigan, Tony grew up in a home filled with classical music, jazz, and R&B. He began learning the trumpet in 4th grade which he continued throughout high school. He has lived in San Diego for the last 20 years and practices medicine in Endocrine Surgery.

Tony is a member of the Partner with a Player program, in which major gift donors are paired with a member of the orchestra to meet socially and sit beside during an onstage rehearsal. “I’ve always been involved in giving back to the community” says Tony. “But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve focused on what I want to spend my time on, and one of those things is the San Diego Symphony.” This last summer, the Symphony held its annual Partner with a Player dinner at The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park®. Tony recalled, “They performed Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, which I remember playing in high school.” After the rehearsal, Tony spoke with the principal trumpet player, and he was surprised to learn they are from the same town in Michigan, went to the same high school, and even studied under the same music instructor. “It was a very unique experience!”

With the help of donors like Dr. Tony Boganey, the San Diego Symphony supports educational programs and initiatives in the community. Particularly, virtual concerts for elementary school students, in person rehearsals, and the High School Ambassadors, a paid internship program providing students from across San Diego County employment and performing arts training. “I enjoy working with young people, helping guide them on their journey and giving them the idea at a young age that giving back is just something that you do.”

In addition to investing in the future of our youth, Tony has made a meaningful investment in the San Diego Symphony, and the future it is creating for itself. With the growing success of The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park®, and the mounting excitement over the grand opening of The Jacobs Music Center®, it is a truly transformative time for our organization. “Part of innovation is growth and changing and improving,” says Tony. “I think that is what this period is going to be best known for; re-birth and re-vitalization of the orchestra.”