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Leyla Zamora

Leyla Zamora has been a member of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra since 2005. Ms. Zamora studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, Baylor University and DePaul University in Chicago. Before coming to San Diego, Ms. Zamora held for 11 years the position of principal bassoon with the Memphis Symphony. She has also performed with the Atlanta Symphony, Saint Louis Symphony, Seattle Symphony, Reno Chamber Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Auckland Philharmonia in New Zealand, Costa Rican National Symphony and Colombian Youth Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Zamora has participated in orchestral and chamber music festivals such as the Britt and Cascade Festivals in Oregon, New Hampshire Music Festival, International Orchestra in Japan, Spoleto Music Festival in Italy, Des Moines Metro Opera and Cassals Festival in Puerto Rico. Ms. Zamora has presented master classes and recitals at the Universities of Idaho, Wichita State and Southern Mississippi, as well as University of Memphis, Washburn University in Kansas and University of the Pacific in Stockton. She has performed solo concerti and recitals in Costa Rica, Colombia, Japan, Czech Republic and the former Soviet Union.


Q: What are your favorite three tunes or pieces on your iPod/Mp3 or CD collection? 

A: Shostakovich Symphonies

Q: How did you choose your instrument? 

A: Peer pressure in high school. (It was the cool thing to do.) 

Q: What are three of your favorite movies? 

A: The Fifth ElementNightmare before Christmas, Jan Švankmajer films

Q: What are your favorite travel destinations? 

A: Indonesia, New Zealand, South America

Q: What are some of your favorite composers and/or musical periods? 

A: Mozart, Beethoven, Shostakovich

Q: What good book have you read most recently? 

A: Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy through Jokes by Thomas Cathcart

Q: What do you love most about San Diego (other than the weather)? 

A: Beach and sunsets

Q: What is your choice for dining in San Diego? 

A: Asmara Eritrean and Ethiopian Restaurant

Q: Where might you be found on a Saturday night if you’re not performing with the Orchestra? 

A: At the beach for sunset. 

Q: The non-musical accomplishment you are most proud of is…?

A: Having met my husband of 12+ years, Michael Molnau.